About Me

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Name that were given by my parents is Nursyuhada , u can call me Syada . I was born on 14 January 1998 . I lived at Hulu Langat with my lovely family and lastly , I'm proud to be ISLAM :D

Sunday, November 14, 2010

i just did my own blog , i feels like want it by my own .. :D

Woah ,, I saw all of my friend had their own blogspot..
And I feels like " I WANT IT TOO !!! "
Who knows .,, I can tell my Feelings everyday at here?? :P
HAHA ,,..I can't wait to Update my BLOG !!
Okay then ,,.. Anyway ,,.
" WELCOME to my BLOG thats call The Only Exception !!! "
(Talking To Myself Actually,,HAHA!!! )


  1. you're good in english :D
    i like it :)

  2. okayy now.. seriouslyy congrates of everythingg.. n i hope u will like to always updating ur blog.. trust me.. it'll be sooo fun.. if u've blog.. it'll be ur diaryy ;) <3

  3. I cant support you Syada . Don't worry babe :'>
    Nanti Syada chat dengan Anis ye kat fb okayh :D
