About Me

My photo
Name that were given by my parents is Nursyuhada , u can call me Syada . I was born on 14 January 1998 . I lived at Hulu Langat with my lovely family and lastly , I'm proud to be ISLAM :D

Friday, December 31, 2010


Assalamualaikum , disini syada nak ambil kesempatan untuk mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih sbb mnyokong Syada mse Syada Semase di Idola Kecil 1 smpai la sekarang (Genap 2 tahun)...Masih jugak ade penghapus Sya'ters dan telah pun menukarkan Sya'ters kpada SyaLuvers dan masok ahli SyaZoner's...Thank u so much...Ape-Ape pun Yang terjadi...Syada still ♥ SyaZoner's..! Give It up For SyaZoner's SEJATI !!
LOVE U GUYS ! MUAHxxxxx...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My Favourite TV Programme !!

it is indonesian programme... hehe..
the hero is RANDY ... and the heroin is NIA RAMADHANI !!
i know , much of people at malayia love it too...!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

my favourite chocolate !!

cabury bornville hazelnut,
dark chocolate

hehehe... actually , i love all types of chocolate...

but this is the first choice...
if we talk about dark chocolate..
everybody said it is more healthier than milk chocolate...
right ? and we can release from tention..
hehehe...buy me some if u wanna make me happy..,,
that was the clue..! GOTCHA !

16 pieces.

hehehe , this is my favourite too... OF COURSE !
but , i think this is too expensive to buy , right ?
hehehe...it's okay ...

P/S : it doesn't mean we are kids when we're love to eat chocolate right ??


ehm ,..i'm going to singapore ...!!
and i know , it's hard...because i can't talk to them for two days...
i'm going to miss u guys..!!!
misz me too okay ?
I love u guys always !!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Oh No Man !!

It’s Hard To Tell The Truth…But It Is The Reality…
I Have Been Crushed With Someone That I Just Know …
Love To Talk With You This Evening....But I'm Taken...
U Make My Day Much Better And Better...

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Time For School Holiday !!! ;)

Yeah !!!! 
I Love Holiday !!!
I have a lot of free time..
i'm still thinking ,, what suppose i do for the next day,and next , and next..??
Sleeping ? Shopping ? Singing ? Dancing ?
Ahhaaaa !!!!! GOTCHA !! MODELLING !!??!!! 
I Love You Tyra Banks And Kimora Lee !!
Wait For Me !!

i just did my own blog , i feels like want it by my own .. :D

Woah ,, I saw all of my friend had their own blogspot..
And I feels like " I WANT IT TOO !!! "
Who knows .,, I can tell my Feelings everyday at here?? :P
HAHA ,,..I can't wait to Update my BLOG !!
Okay then ,,.. Anyway ,,.
" WELCOME to my BLOG thats call The Only Exception !!! "
(Talking To Myself Actually,,HAHA!!! )